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Boulder Truck Accident Lawyer

In person, phone, or video consultations or client meetings are available. Contact us.

Although trucking companies and drivers must follow strict regulations, accidents still occur. If you were involved in a trucking accident, you may be facing a difficult physical and emotional recovery, and you may be unable to work to pay for expensive medical treatment and property damage.

A settlement against the driver or trucking company that caused your injuries could relieve your financial burdens. Reach out to a Boulder truck accident lawyer as soon as possible to see if you could be eligible for compensation. A skilled personal injury attorney at Mac Hester Law can work to recover all of your losses after a devastating accident so that you can focus on healing.

Who is Legally Responsible for a Boulder Trucking Accident?

A large variety of factors can contribute to trucking accidents. Sometimes, crashes result from driver error, but accidents can occur for different reasons, and multiple people may be liable.

Truck Driver Error

Boulder truckers may cause a collision due to many reasons. Truckers often face strict deadlines and may drive above the speed limit or while fatigued to get their cargo to its destination on time. While trucking companies are supposed to limit the number of hours that truckers drive, drivers do not always adhere to those limits. This recklessness could result in a truck accident.

Alcohol and drugs, distracted driving, or inadequate training could also lead to devastating collisions with other vehicles

The Company that Employs the Trucker

Some drivers work for trucking or shipping companies that transport goods, while others work directly for the businesses that deliver products. In the case of an accident resulting from truck driver error, a plaintiff could also pursue a claim against the trucker’s employer, who would be liable for the employee’s negligence or recklessness.

To obtain compensation in Boulder against the truck driver’s company, the plaintiff would need to demonstrate that the driver was an employee of the company, that the accident happened while the driver was in the course and scope of employment, and that the driver’s actions caused the truck accident to happen.

Third-Party Contractors

Some truckers carry goods for third-party independent contractors for their assignments. A claimant would need to show that the third-party company had some control over the trucker’s driving, such as by setting the driver’s delivery hours or route, in order to hold them liable.

The Truck’s Manufacturer or Servicer

If a plaintiff can demonstrate that the truck was inherently defective, they could pursue a claim against the manufacturer. They must show that the accident occurred because the truck had worn out parts or did not receive adequate service and the company was responsible for servicing the vehicle and maintaining its parts.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Could Help

A Boulder truck accident representative could help by carefully examining all of the evidence from the crash scene to see who could be legally responsible for the accident. Some of the evidence that a legal advisor could review to determine liability would be the following:

  • Police reports
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Hourly logs of the driver to see if they exceeded their allowed driving hours
  • Driving time limits on drivers set forth in the employee manual
  • Inspection and maintenance records of the truck
  • Driving record of the driver

Local Boulder truck representatives could look through all the evidence to identify who could be at fault and then work to pursue damages against all potentially responsible parties.

Call a Boulder Truck Accident Attorney Today

Because trucks are so large, accidents involving these vehicles often result in devastating injuries. A financial settlement could help pay for the treatments that you need to recover from those injuries.

A Mac Hester personal injury attorney is ready to build a solid case for you. Reach out to an experienced Boulder truck accident lawyer today to see how they can help you.

Mac Hester Law
4532 McMurry Ave.
Ste 203

Mac Hester Law
1805 S. Bellaire St.,
STE 480-02