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Do I Have A Personal Injury Case?

Personal injury case scenario – So, someone has told you that you should seek the advice of a personal injury lawyer, but you don’t know what they do or what they can do for you if anything. Are you wondering if your situation warrants legal action? Perhaps, you don’t feel you are a litigious person by nature but still, you have been left, from no fault of your own, with a stack of bills to pay, or maybe it’s so bad you can’t work. If this sounds anything like your situation you may need legal representation. The following blogs will help you learn about personal injury lawyers and what kind of cases they take.

Here are some basics of personal injury law, and what you need to know and do to help your case.

Personal Injury Basics

  • Depending on the size of your claim and the extenuating circumstances, you may be able to handle your own case. This is called Pro Se.
  • Keep track of all your medical expenses. From co-pays when you go to the doctor, to prescriptions, even over the counter medications or aids you use, keep the receipts.
  • An important aspect of many personal injury cases is negligence. If you find any evidence of negligence, be sure to tell your lawyer of anything that will help you case.
  • A key for winning a personal injury case is to prove that the other party was negligent.
  • This means that they had a responsibility to you either as an employee or a customer. They knew they had a responsibility, and in your case, it was not followed through with.
  • It doesn’t have to be a willful, malicious negligence, just that they did not do what they needed to do, reasonably, to keep you safe.

Check back for our next blog and learn more about personal injury, especially our Personal Injury Law 101 post.

Still Asking If You Have A Personal Injury Case?

Call us at (970) 493-1866 to ask what our thoughts are.