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When You Need A Lawyer For A Car Accident

The question, “Should I call an attorney after a car accident?” is one that many of our clients have asked. The answer isn’t exactly a simple yes or no, because it depends on the specific situation. In general, if the car accident has caused you or a loved one to suffer from a permanent injury or an injury that leads to lost time at work, then contacting a car accident lawyer is advisable. But you should keep in mind that even if you don’t suffer from injury, there are certain circumstances where having a lawyer on your side is a good idea.

Do You Need A Lawyer?

The following is a list of circumstances when you should definitely contact a lawyer:

  • The automobile accident resulted in death.
  • The accident resulted in a serious or permanent injury (paralysis, broken bones, hospitalization, etc.)
  • It is unclear who was at fault.
  • The car accident took place in a construction zone.
  • You need advice on the possible settlement value of your claim. (Your attorney may not have an exact answer for you, but they will be able to give you the best and worst case scenarios.)
  • You are unsure about what your rights are.
  • You need guidance in understanding the terms of your automobile insurance policy.
  • You have liability insurance with low limits.
  • You feel that your insurer isn’t acting on your best interest.

The above is a list of just a few circumstances when it would be ideal to hire an attorney, but there are a few more that you should consider. A car accident can range from minor bumps to total collisions. Contacting a seasoned attorney is critical after any automobile accidents happen. If you are in any type of car accident, feel free to contact Mac Hester Law today to discuss our services.