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Ice-related Slip And Fall Injuries 2/2

If you’ve recently fallen and are looking into slip and fall injury attorneys, be sure to contact Mac Hester Law for a free evaluation. Today we will continue our discussion from a previous blog of injuries that are commonly sustained during a Ice-Related Slip and Fall.

Neck, Back And Spine

Ice-Related Slip and Falls can pull your spine out of place and cause painful injuries. You may not experience some of the consequences of a fall for days or weeks after the fall, but when you do, seek medical attention.

Head Injuries

If you fell and hit your head and suspect any level of concussion, you should go to your doctor and get a neuro check to make sure that damage that you don’t at first suspect has occurred.

Broken Bones

If you suspect you have a broken bone from a fall it is imperative that you seek immediate medical attention. Not only does your injury need attention to heal quickly and properly, but you need medical documentation of the fall. Bones that are commonly broken in a ice-related slip and fall accident are hips, forearms, legs, ankles, upper arms and wrists. In fact, 95% of hip fractures are caused by falls.


It is often said that a sprain is worse that a break. This is said because soft tissue damage, or damage to tendons and cartilage, can take much longer to heal than bones do.

Some of these injuries may seem to spread. For instance, you slip and fall on your knee and the next week your hip hurts, and then your back. It is important to get yourself under the care of a doctor as soon as possible after a slip and fall. It is as equally important to talk to a personal injury lawyer, just in case, so you can follow a protocol that will help you win an eventual case.